We visited these three towns today along the Amalfi coast. The first stop by ferry for us was Minori. We got a map from the tourist office there and found that there was an ancient Roman Villa that we could tour.
The Villa was free to tour and interesting. All the signage was in Italian, so, that wasn’t much help for us. But since we had been on a few tours of ancient Roman ruins, we understood the layout of the home and what the purpose was of some of these rooms. This villa was found only in 1932, when a renovation of some local homes lead to the discovery. Again we found the current street level is much higher in relation to the villa itself.
We then put Lorraine back on the ferry to the next town. We were going to walk. This trail is called the Sentiero dei Limoni (Lemon Path). This path is only about a mile long and goes between the towns of Minori and Maijori. The path winds it’s way through lemon tree farms on the hillsides between the towns. There are a lot of steps on this trail, but it is otherwise paved and easy to follow. We even saw some asinos (donkeys). The donkeys transport the lemons from the farms down the hillsides into town. We met up with Lorraine who had almost as long of a walk as us from the ferry dock. At least her walk was without stairs. Found a great free public toilet. My first squat toilet since Peru. Ah, memories. Guess for being free you really can’t complain too much.

On to Centara where a couple was shooting their wedding photos. They had a drone and about 3 photographers on the shore. I’m sure they’ll have some great shots. Interesting that their wedding was on a Wednesday. We didn’t realize the time and it was mid-afternoon. So, most everything was closed, except for the gelato place. So, another nice gelato and took the ferry back to Salerno.