Motorhoming on the Ring Road with Fifi – Day 2

When we finally woke up, the day was about half over. I guess sleep deprivation had caught up with us as we didn’t get up until around 11. But we had to get a move on because it was waterfall day. Since we were in Selfoss, we started the day searching for Bobby Fischer. The Former Chess Master is buried in Selfoss as he had gained Iceland citizenship after having his US passport revoked.

Seljelandsfoss was our second official waterfall of the trip. It’s about 65 meters high and the really cool thing is you can walk behind it. But you will most definitely get wet if you do.

There are a few other waterfalls along the foot path by Seljelandsfoss, including Gljüfrabüi (Canyon Dweller).

You can walk back into the canyon and many people get a photo standing on a big rock in front of the falls. I got a pic of this guy and Dan managed to catch a marriage proposal.

We then did a roadside stop at the Rütshellir cave houses. This was the way homes were built years ago in Iceland to withstand the Icelandic weather.

The wind was starting to pick-up and Fifi’s not very aerodynamic. Iceland is known for its wicked winds. One of things you become versed in really quickly is checking the weather app for wind speeds. We saw that the wind speeds were up, but we took our time and made it to our next stop at Dyrthólæy Beach (Door Hill Island).The winds were even higher and the rain was coming down hard. So, we decided to wait out the worst of the storm and make dinner in the parking lot. Having a motor home comes in very handy sometimes.

Waiting it out worked out for us. It was starting to clear up. We thought we had a window before the winds were supposed to pick-up again. So, we quickly got out for a photo op and found puffins.They are funny to watch as they tend to bob up and down when walking. And they look very awkward when flying. We were also treated to some nice views, but had to move on as it was getting late and we needed to get to our next campsite.

We made a fairly quick stop at Fjadrárgljüfur or”feathered” Canyon. It’s about 100m deep and 1km long. It was pretty. I also found if you yell Baa to the sheep they com running right toward you. Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t try that again.

We made it to our campground in Kirkjubær, Tjaldstæðid Kirkjubær II. There were also some sites near the campground to check-out, but we didn’t have time for those as we had to get an early start in the morning.

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