Traveling During These Trying Times

Let's think back to the beginning of March, you know when we were carefree and COVID-19 was not yet our problem. The virus had reached the state of Washington, but still most of us felt…

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Drivers Start Your Engines – Daytona and Ormond Beach

We crossed from the gulf side of Florida to the Atlantic and Ormond Beach. This time we had a small ocean front studio. Great view of the ocean, but the studio had an interesting layout.…

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Sapphire Valley, North Carolina and Savannah, Georgia

The Sapphire Valley in that silver of North Carolina between Tennessee and South Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We initially chose this place because, it's only a few hours drive from Pigeon Forge and…

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Misadventures in Disneyland and A Few Interesting Hikes

We were headed for beautiful sunny southern California or more specifically "the happiest place on Earth", Disneyland. We left Albuquerque in the beginnings of a snow storm, which only got worst as we headed west…

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